kanniyakumari , Local News , Nagercoil Today,Nendram Chips in Nagercoil
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The production of Nendram Chips in Nagercoil stands out as a distinctive venture, contributing to the region’s unique chip market. Given that banana cultivation is a significant agricultural industry in and around Nagercoil, the production of Nendram chips utilizes natural bananas, making them a standout choice among chip enthusiasts.

Crafted with a blend of groundnut oil and natural bananas, Nendram chips boast a denser and crunchier texture compared to other chip varieties. The delectable and distinctive flavor of these naturally made Nendram chips has garnered a wide customer base, not only locally but also across different states and even internationally.

While Nendram fruit chips are available throughout the year, their popularity surges during the months of November and December, coinciding with the Ayyappan temple season, Christmas festivities, and New Year celebrations. Tourists visiting Kumari during this period often indulge in purchasing and savoring these Nendram fruit chips in significant quantities. Many also buy these chips as thoughtful gifts for their loved ones and relatives.

Shiva Pandian, actively involved in chip production at a private restaurant in Nagercoil, shared insights into the meticulous process:

“We source high-quality and carefully selected banana pods from both local and international locations. After a thorough cleaning process and removal of skins, the discarded fruit skins find their purpose as livestock feed.

The cleaned pods then undergo processing in a specially designed machine for chip production. They are sliced into small pieces and fried in coconut oil, resulting in the creation of these delectable chips.

To enhance the flavor, we sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt and premium pepper powder onto the chips. The seasoning is meticulously mixed, ensuring an even coating on all the chips before they are ready for sale.

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By Alwin Santhosh


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