INDONESIA, MIDDLE EAST, COFFEEeyeing the potential of boosting exports to the Middle East, as they say interest from the region has risen in recent years.
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Indonesian coffee producers are eyeing the potential of boosting exports to the Middle East, as they say interest from the region has risen in recent years.

Indonesia is the fourth-largest coffee-producing country in the world and Asia’s second biggest, accounting for about 7 percent of global coffee output. In 2021, the Southeast Asian nation exported about 384 thousand metric tons worth almost $850 million, according to the Central Statistics Agency.

Egypt was the second-biggest export destination for Indonesian coffee last year, just behind the US. The Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters and Industries said that exports to the Middle East region have been growing in the past decade.

“The Middle East market potential will always continue to grow for medium and premium quality coffee,” Moelyono Soesilo, head of specialty and industry at the association, told Arab News on Saturday.

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