HEATHROW, UK NEWS, FLIGHTSHeathrow says passenger cap is working
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Heathrow Airport says the daily 100,000 passenger cap it introduced to reduce chaos at its terminals and avoid surprise cancellations is paying off.

The airport said on Thursday that operations had become smoother, helping more flights to leave on time and fewer flights scrapped at the last-minute flight.

More than six million people travelled through Britain’s busiest airport in July and it expects about 16 million passengers between July and September as travel rebounds.

“Integral to increasing the departing passenger cap is increasing airline ground handler capacity and resilience, and we have initiated a review of ground handling to support that objective,” Heathrow said.

READ MORE : https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/aviation/2022/08/11/heathrow-says-passenger-cap-is-working/

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