Three-day ‘Space Expo’ under way at VOC CollegeStudents visiting the expo in Thoothukudi on Wednesday.
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Three-day ‘Space Expo’ under way at VOC College
Students visiting the expo in Thoothukudi on Wednesday.

A three-day ‘Space Expo’, organised by Indian Space Research Organisation’s Propulsion Research Complex (IPRC) at Mahendragiri as part of the ‘World Space Week’ celebrations commenced at VOC College here on Wednesday.

The expo is being organised to encourage the students to choose the challenging space research as their career and also to celebrate the birth centenary of Vikram Sarabhai, father of Indian space programme.

The IPRC, synthesizing a range of propellants for ISRO’s launch vehicles and having exhaustive facilities to test the efficacy of the home-grown propellants, has displayed a good number of models, including Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle and rocket engines.

Moreover, a range of lectures will be delivered by the experts as part of the event and answer the participants’ queries.

The exhibition will showcase India’s achievements in the outer space and exhibit the models of the rockets that are being used by ISRO to launch satellites into the predesignated orbits, models of satellites and interesting audio visual shows explaining in detail about India’s achievements in the past and future plans.

The audio visual shows also include ISRO’s ambitious programmes like Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan, all launched by Indian rockets. Visitors can graze the space with powerful telescopes during night.

A series of lectures and discussions by scientists on space, nuclear energy, agriculture, fishery etc. have been arranged. Career and employment guidance sessions for students will also be there.

Director, IPRC, Mahendragiri, T. Mookiah, former Director, ISRO, R.M. Vasagam, Collector Sandeep Nanduri and others spoke.

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